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Search engine for job ads on Arbetsförmedlingens job board Platsbanken.

The API JobSearch makes it possible to search among the Swedish Public Employment Service's job advertisements in different ways. It provides information through free text search, but also through structured search terms, based on, for example, professions or themes of geography.

What problem does the product solve?

The API JobSearch makes it easier to create own search engine tool in apps and/or webpages, when the search process goes through JobSearch, and the search result is returning in an easy-to-use json format.

For whom is the product created?

JobSearch can be useful for companies and organisations, which would like to use job advertisements from the Swedish Public Employment Service's Job Board (Platsbanken) but are missing an own search engine tool.

It can be useful as well for players, which are having access to large amounts of structured data and are planning to offer special search functions or niche advertising platforms.

The ads are enriched with data from JobAdEnrichment in order to improve the search result. In addition, anyone, who whould like to make an own copy of all the job advertisements on the Swedish Public Employment Service's Job Board (Platsbanken), are adviced to use the API JobStream.
