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Unionen Matches Students with Potential Jobs Using JobTech's APIs

With 700,000 members, Unionen is Sweden's largest private trade union and the world's largest white-collar union. But how exactly do they support students entering the job market? We had the pleasure to talk to Jenny Kölemo, Project Manager for Unionen Student, to learn about their efforts in helping students' transition from studying to employment. A key part of these efforts is their new service, "Yrkesradarn", which uses JobTech Development's APIs to match students with potential careers and job ads.

Jenny Kölemo Jenny Kölemo, Project Manager for the Unionen Student

Can you describe your service Yrkesradarn?

In our work to help students transition from studies to jobs, we noticed that many students experience significant stress at the end of their studies due to concerns about the future careers. We looked further into this and found that a common question among students was "What should I become when I finish my studies?" With this service, we aim to help students broaden their perspectives on possible professions related to their education and provides concrete job ads for them to apply to.

Yrkesradarn is designed in a way by having students first enter their current school and field of study. The service then presents a range of careers that match their education, often more than expected Students can explore various professions with brief job descriptions, salary levels, and current and future demand in the labour market. They can select their preferred careers and receive current job ads for those professions, filtered to exclude senior positions.

What do you hope to achieve with the new service?

We aim to reduce the job anxiety students experience at the end of their studies by demonstrating the various career paths available to them, often more than they initially realize. By integrating job ads for professions that interest them, students can easily apply directly, hopefully making tangible progress in their job search. Ultimately, we hope that more of our members secure jobs after graduation and successfully launch their careers.

How have the APIs contributed building and developing your service?

We are utilizing JobSearch and JobEd Connect, along with Jobtech Taxonomy (occupation descriptions), to provide comprehensive career options to students. The foundation of the entire service is built upon JobTech Development's APIs, in addition to APIs from SCB (Statistics Sweden) and Skolverket (the Swedish National Agency for Education). Without these APIs, Yrkesradarn would not exist. We intend to further develop the service and will utilize more of JobTech Development's APIs in the future.

What are your perspectives on future collaborations with Arbetsförmedlingen and JobTech Development?

Very positively! We've had a good dialogue throughout our development process, receiving essential support we needed and providing feedback for future improvements. Such collaboration is crucial for the success of projects like ours. It's clear that all parties are committed to making it work and mutually supporting each other.

In short, a very good collaboration that we hope to continue in our ongoing development of Yrkesradarn.

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Unionen Matches Students with Potential Jobs Using JobTech's APIs